Source Control

All software is built with code and any modern software development places its code under source control, also called version control. The most popular type being GIT.


Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Under version control any changes to a file or set of files over time are recorded so that you can recall specific versions later. It allows for collaboration amongst different users to work on the same codebase in a managed and transparent way. It is important that developers have a basic understanding of GIT. It is a bit of a learning curve at first but it is an essential skill for any type of digital development.

Here are some introductory videos and tutorials:


Here at Steer we maintain all of our codebases under source control in the cloud at Bitbucket.

Anyone at Steer who wants to create a new digital tool/app starts off by creating a repository in Bitbucket then develops locally and pushes any updates back up to bitbucket, new users can then contribute to the software updates by pulling down this code. To successfully use Bitbucket and other source control providers, the user must have respective registered accounts with their SSH public keys. Add SSH Key to Bitbucket.

Other Providers

Somtimes at the suggestion of clients we may need to work with other teams on different source control providers like GitHub, GCP or Gitlabs but all they all work on the same GIT commands.

Including with bitbucket and popular Cloud source control providers is the ability to submit issues e.g. bugs/feature and create code snippets/gists which are helpful features.