Cloud Hosting Services

All of Steer's hosting needs are met in the Cloud. It is far more cost effective and easier for us to host and manage our applications in the Cloud rather than provision the underlying hardware and infrastructure ourselves. Most Cloud providers offer an online console where you can quickly create and configure your hosting environments.

Digital Ocean

This is our primary provider for Cloud services. It is the most cost effective and easiest to manage in comparison to AWS/GCP. It allows to quickly spin up virtual machines from a variety of pre-built software stacks. Easily setup a LAMP server with a few clicks in Digital Ocean. Digital Ocean offers


Offers a free tier allowing us to host static sites. Great for quickly hosting static content and documentation sites as well as JAMStack sites.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Offers all what Digital Ocean but a lot more advanced and offers powerful data and machine learning services. More expensive and difficult to manage but for more complex applications and big data projects we should look to use GCP.

Name Cheap

This is where we register and manage all of our domains.